Lake Camanche Fish Report 11-05-07

Lake Camanche - Wallace, CA

by Lake Camanche Staff
(209) 763-5121

LAKE CONDITIONS: Lake Camanche's current elevation is 203.76 feet above sea level, a rise of .2 feet this week. There is currently no water flowing into Lake Camanche, and water is flowing out of Lake Camanche at 225c.f.s. No water is expected this week from Lake Pardee so Camanche should drop slightly.??The surface water temp. at North Harbor remains at 64 degrees.

TROUT: The water is cooling off nicely due to cooler nights and steady river inflows from Lake Pardee. All the trout that have been concentrated deep down at the Dam throughout the summer will now be spreading out and getting more active.??Many fish are stimulated by the cool river water flowing through Camanche. This may spark and active up-river bite from the bridge to Arkansas bend.??The best methods would include drifting Powerbait or Night Crawler/Marshmallow Combo 18 to 25 feet deep For those second rod fishermen, cast and retrieve a good Lure such as Magic Bullet or Kastmaster while drifting your bait.

Shoreline bait fishermen tossing out Power bait or Nightcrawlers have been catching nice fish at either the North Shore Day Use Peninsula or South Shore's Chevron Point by the low water launch ramp. Early morning, when the light levels are low, cast and retrieve a Kastmaster, Magic Bullet, or Rooster Tail.

South Shore's infamous Trout Pond has been producing limits of nice trout. Fishing on the bottom in 18 to 25 feet of water with Power Bait or Crawlers is the Mid-Day standard.??The secret to Trout Pond bottom fishing is to stay above the weeds, therefore a long leader ( 4 to 5 feet ) is necessary to keep your floating bait above the weed bed.??Cloudy or overcast days will keep the fish closer to the surface and would call for a top water bait such as a Wooly Booger behind a Water Bobber.??Float Tubers with fly rods have great success fishing the middle of the pond.

Trollers continue to do good working the west end from little hat island to the spillway, to the Dam and then to big hat. Towing your favorite lures such as Vance's, Excel, Rapala, or Sep's grub behind a Dodger. Early morning top lining is worth a shot, though 20 to 35 feet is the target depth.??

This week's trout plant will be split between south shore lake and south trout pond at 600 lbs each.

BASS: Steady lake elevation and steady weather patterns with mostly sunny, warm days have locked the bass into a predictable pattern.??Working the west end of the lake on submerged island tops from 18 to 25 feet near deep water has been the rule.??The pre-winter feeding frenzy has begun and the bass are extremely aggressive this time of year.??Early morning top water has been effective using Buzz Baits, or Stick Baits.??Retrieving shad pattern Crank Baits off of steep rocky points in the A.M. hour's works as well.??

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