Shasta Lake Fish Report for 6-8-2023
Shasta Lake Weekend Report!
Shasta Lake - Shasta Lake, CA (Shasta County)

by Jeff Goodwin
Shasta Lake is prime for some great trout fishing this weekend! We have a full lake, 72 degree water, light winds, and air temps in the 80's! There's so much to do on Shasta Lake this summer season but you'll find us fishing for beautiful trout and landlocked King and Kokanee salmon! We fished for trout the past two days and have landed quite a few beauties between the two boats we've had out fishing client groups. It's great but it's just going to get better! Summertime is my favorite time to fish Shasta because the fishing action is peak! We never know from day to day what we'll end up with at closing time. We've caught 10 lb browns, 7 lb rainbows, 20" Kokanee, 10 lb King salmon, and even a 14 lb catfish trolling last August. Right now we're seeing mainly rainbows but we're getting some browns just about every trip as well. Plenty of bass are biting over the deep water areas now as well. We've been catching most of our fish 20-30' deep and have been trolling with small spoons daily. Trolling speeds are between 2.0 and 2.8 mph. These tacke options and trolling speeds are our go to techniques but most traditional trolling efforts will pay off as well. All our trolling has been between the Pit River Bridge (I-5) and Shasta Dam to the south. We have available dates for Shasta Lake fishing and have lot's more looking ahead. In fact, with no river salmon season we'll be on Shasta until next April when we break away for 6 weeks of Striped bass fishing. Give Jaynie a call or text at (530) 510-2925 and she'll be able to answer questions or get your trip date reserved.
Captain Jeff Goodwin
Jeff Goodwin is a full time Northern California fishing guide. He guides year round for salmon, trout, steelhead, Kokanee, and bass on Northern California rivers and lakes. He fishes many bodies of water in the Redding area, but also guides the Sacramento River and Feather River during certain times of the year. Jeff can also be found on the California coast chasing ocean fresh King salmon and steelhead each year. To learn more about the fishing trips Jeff has to offer, please visit Jeff Goodwin's Guide Service. You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or please feel free to call him anytime at (707) 616-1905.
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