Shasta Lake Fish Report for 6-9-2019
Attention Shasta Lake Boaters and Anglers
Shasta Lake - Shasta Lake, CA (Shasta County)

by Gary Heffley
For any boaters and anglers looking to launch at the Centimudi Ramp near Shasta Dam take heed and head to another ramp. Debris has completely choked off the ramp and cove from usage. Floating debris as well as debris on the ramp itself makes the ramp impossible to use.
There was evidence at the top of the ramp where debris had been pulled from between boat and trailer bunks. For anyone who has done this, it is a pain and the debris can easily cause hull damage.
Nearby public ramps at Bailey Cove and Packer's Bay was clear of debris and in full use at this time.
Many ramp users have been complaining about the situation noting that their launching fees should insure that ramps are maintained and kept usable. The only information provided is at the ramp noting that debris may block the ramp at any time and other ramps should be used. Is the Forest Service who manages the lake responsible for floating debris removal and maintenance or should the responsibility fall onto the Shasta Recreation Company who collects fees for ramp use and parking? Probably each will point to the other.
One helpful solution would be temporary electric signs on Lake Blvd and at the Shasta Dam Blvd exit of Highway 5, off which most of those trailering boats access the Centimudi Ramp alerting to the ramp conditions. This would save many time and effort in choosing other ramps to access. In my opinion this is something the Shasta Recreation Company should take it upon itself to do as managers of the public ramps on the lake.
The lake is nearly full, within 3 feet of full pool and there is quite a bit of floating debris on the lake itself. Caution should be the rule of the day as floating logs can be partially to mostly submerged and barely visible on the surface. Prop and lower unit damage to engines are common for those not being alert on the water.
On a positive note bass and trout fishing has been very good as the summer season on the lake comes into full swing.
Gary Heffley has been a valued contributor to MyOutdoorBuddy for over 10 years serving as manager, sales representative and reporter for much of Northern California. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish and write about his adventures. He has a long history in the Sporting Goods field and uses that extensive experience to impart his wisdom in his writing.
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