Mount Shasta Fish Hatchery Fish Report for 5-31-2019
Kids Fishing Days Return to Mt Shasta Hatchery
Mount Shasta Fish Hatchery - Mt Shasta, CA (Shasta County)

by Gary Heffley
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife will be hosting three Free Kids Fishing Days at Mt Shasta Fish Hatchery this summer. The events will be held on Saturdays, June 15, July 6 and August 17. This will come as great news for many, as the events had been suspended at this location for the past few years. The Mt Shasta Hatchery location has always been one of the most successful and well attended Free Kids Fishing event sites, Hundreds of families and youngsters have enjoyed catching trout in the ponds located on the hatchery property over the years. Some trout upwards of 4 and 5 pounds have been landed on these special fishing days, the only days that these ponds are open to fishing.
Registration will begin at 8:30 am, with the catching (notice I didn't say fishing) beginning at 9:00 am. The ponds will close at 3:00 pm to angling. Bait will be provided and there will be free loaner rods and reels for use on a first come first serve basis. Along with many sponsors a number of volunteers will also be on hand to assist new anglers and families who have never fished before.
Fishing is open to children only, from the age of being able to help hold a rod and help reel to the age of 15. Adults are able to help only, they are not allowed to catch the fish for the youngsters. Monitors and wardens are on hand to make sure all follow the rules and the youngsters have fun. The hatchery is located west off Interstate 5 at the Central Mt. Shasta exit.
Make sure to come early, bring a camera to capture the memories and an ice chest to take home some tasty trout. As a frequent volunteer at these events I look forward to seeing many familiar faces and for those older anglers who may have enjoyed these events in the past, volunteers are always needed, welcome and appreciated. I have helped many young anglers catch their first fish at these events and it is always special to know that I might have just helped start off a child into the sport, a new angler who may fish for the rest of their life.
Gary Heffley has been a valued contributor to MyOutdoorBuddy for over 10 years serving as manager, sales representative and reporter for much of Northern California. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish and write about his adventures. He has a long history in the Sporting Goods field and uses that extensive experience to impart his wisdom in his writing.
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