Nor Cal Fish Report
Sacramento Delta Fish Report for 11-19-2015
Sacramento Delta Fish Report for 11-19-2015
Stripers near Antioch
Sacramento Delta
by Nor Cal Fish Reports
Striper bite remains good, especially in Broad Slough and West Island. Most are 4 to 6 pound bass. Some are caught plugging and trolling, but bait (shad, mudusckers, sardines) work quite well. Sherman Lake is a good place to toss Rat-l-Traps. Gotcha Bait & Tackle (925) 706-7400
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Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Thursday, November 19th, 2015Anderson Reservoir: Anderson challenging but worthy
Lake Berryessa: Turnover wait is on at Berryessa
Bullards Bar Reservoir: Little traffic at Bullards Bar
Lake Camanche: Trout coming on at Camanche
Lake Chabot: Trout action starting at Chabot
Chesbro Reservoir: Bass prospects fair at Chesbro
Clear Lake: Clear Lake pausing
Collins Lake: Collins trout biting
Coyote Lake: Crank at Coyote
Lake Davis: Slow and cold at Davis
Del Valle Lake: Trout bite emerging at Del Valle
Eagle Lake: Eagle Lake trout a challenge
Lafayette Reservoir: Lafayette trout willing
Lopez Lake : Slow at Lopez
Los Vaqueros Reservoir: LV stuffed with trout
Bon Tempe Reservoir: Both Mt. Tam lakes planted
Lake Oroville: Oroville bass biting
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid bite fair
Quarry Lakes: Trout biting at Quarry Lakes
San Luis Reservoir: San Luis Forebay hot
Santa Margarita Lake: Some crappie at Santa Margarita
Shasta Lake: Bass action varied at Shasta
Eel River: Eel still closed
Feather River: Salmon low, steelhead high on Feather
Klamath River - Upper - CA: Upper Klamath steelhead biting
Napa River: Napa striper bite hot
Sacramento River: Winter run salmon hooked in Knights Landing
Smith River: Smith salmon bite wide open
Trinity River: Steelhead hitting on Trinity
East Walker River (CA): Walkers low and cold
Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Tuesday, November 10th, 2015Lake Amador: Amador filling with water, trout
Anderson Reservoir: Anderson low, but giving up bass
Lake Berryessa: Big bass at Berryessa
Bullards Bar Reservoir: Quiet at Bullards Bar
Calero Lake: Find crappie at Calero
Lake Camanche: Camanche getting tons of trout
Lake Chabot: Trout bite starting at Chabot
Chesbro Reservoir: Light action at Chesbro
Clear Lake: Light pressure at Clear Lake
Collins Lake: Collins getting stuffed with trout
Contra Loma Reservoir: Cats top at Contral Loma
Del Valle Lake: Trout on, stripers off at DV
Eagle Lake: Eagle trout pounding chubs
Lafayette Reservoir: Trout, cats at Lafayette
Lopez Lake : Lopez panfish biting
Los Vaqueros Reservoir: Trout biting at LV
New Melones Reservoir: Bass best at New Melones
Lake Oroville: Oroville bass bite solid
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid bite so-so
Quarry Lakes: Quarry Lakes trout bite picking up
San Luis Reservoir: Minnows get San Luis stripers
San Pablo Reservoir: Lake closes Sunday for winter
Santa Margarita Lake: Slow at Santa Margarita
Shasta Lake: Bass willing at Shasta
O'Hair's Spring Creek: Find shad, find bass at Sonoma
Eel River: Eel remains closed
Feather River: Salmon biting in lower Feather
Napa River: Stripers attacking in Napa
Mad River: Mad remains closed
Smith River: Smith open, salmon biting
Trinity River: Trinity steelhead willing
Sacramento Delta: Antioch prospects worthy
: Benicia salmon bite winding down
Discovery Bay: Bass plentiful in Disco Bay
Sacramento Delta: Bass scattered in Franks Tract
Sacramento Delta: Salmon hanging on in Freeport
Sacramento Delta: Bait getting stripers near Pittsburg
Sacramento Delta: Bait the key near Rio Vista
Sacramento Delta: Stockton anglers get stripers at Old River
Sacramento Delta: Tracy striper bite improves
: Quiet in Capitola
: Live bait gets Monterey lings
: Pacifica Pier anglers scratch for striper
: Halibut, small stripers in San Pablo Bay © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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