Eel River - Fortuna, CA

River Information

Fish Species: Chinook Salmon, Rainbow Trout

Latest Fish Reports

Date Report Author
3-7-2025 The main Eel is still high and just starting to turn green
The main Eel is still high and just... more »
Kenny Priest
2-27-2025 The main stem Eel was running at 10,500 cfs as of Thursday
The main stem Eel was running at 10,500... more »
Kenny Priest
2-20-2025 The main stem Eel was running at 20,500 cfs as of Thursday, and is still big and muddy
The main stem Eel was running at 20,500... more »
Kenny Priest
2-13-2025 Predicted to peak Friday afternoon at nearly 74,000 cfs
The main stem had was down to 15.5... more »
Kenny Priest
2-6-2025 The main stem was flowing at roughly 55,000 cfs at Scotia Thursday
The main stem was flowing at roughly 55,000... more »
Kenny Priest

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