Kenny Priest - Fishing the North Coast

Offshore Anglers Take Advantage of Calm Seas cover picture
Ocean conditions can make all the difference when... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Pacific halibut bite remains slow off the coast cover picture
The Pacific halibut bite continues to be slow... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Gusty Conditions Continue on the North Coast cover picture
Gale-force north winds in May and June are... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Boats Capitalize on Break in the Wind cover picture
\ Last Sunday provided offshore anglers along the entire... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Wind Continues to Hamper Offshore Anglers cover picture
It’s been another quiet week for offshore anglers... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Numerous Options for the Holiday Weekend Anglers cover picture
For anglers across the North Coast, Memorial Day... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Slow Start for Pacific Halibut Anglers cover picture
Ocean conditions, lack of effort, or lack of... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Wind Keeping Boats Tied Up cover picture
Break in the Weather Coming Friday After a couple... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Eureka boats get back on the halibut cover picture
The much-anticipated rockfish and Pacific halibut opener was... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Spring Water Releases, River Habitat cover picture
Sorry about no reports but I had to... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
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