Weekly Report

For the week of December 18, 2023

Bay Area

Los Vaqueros Reservoir: Los Vaqueros Fishing Report: Paul Clouse...
Paul Clouse and Al Hurwitz (Updated 2023-12-23)

Central California

Lake Nacimiento: Nacimiento rose to 58 percent of capacity, and anglers reported fair fishing: Nacimiento rose...
Chad Burton and Chris Borden (661) 679-6351 (Updated 2023-12-22)

Central Sierra

Donner Lake: 7.5 lb. Laker:             Merry Christmas!   We...
Shaun Rainsbarger‎ (530) 802-4484 (Updated 2023-12-24)
Lake Kaweah: The lake rose to 10 percent of capacity, and fishing has been decent: The lake...
Chad Burton and Chris Borden (661) 679-6351 (Updated 2023-12-22)
Little Truckee River: The Little Truckee saw a drop in flows this week, going from 140 CFS to 105 as of today:   The Little...
Trout Creek Outfitters (530) 563-5119 (Updated 2023-12-22)

Central Valley Rivers

Sacramento River - Lower: The storm has passed and we are in good shape on the river down to Balls Ferry at least:
The Fly Shop (530) 222-3555 (Updated 2023-12-20)


No reports for this week!

Eastern Sierra

Hunewill Pond: The pond is frozen for now: The pond...
Kens Sporting Goods Staff (760) 932.7707 (Updated 2023-12-23)
Truckee River: The storm put a nice bit of color in the water and stirred things up a bit: The river...
Trout Creek Outfitters (530) 563-5119 (Updated 2023-12-22)
West Walker River (CA): We haven’t had any reports from the West lately: The West...
Kens Sporting Goods Staff (760) 932.7707 (Updated 2023-12-23)


No reports for this week!

North Coast

Eel River: Predicted to dip below 5,000 cfs by Monday: The main...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Eel River - South Fork: If it keeps dropping as predicted, it should be in good shape by Saturday: After peaking...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Mad River: High and muddy after peaking at 10.8 feet Wednesday but it’s dropping quickly: The Mad...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Smith River: The river is dropping quickly and will be clear by the weekend: The quick-clearing...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir: Scientist to Scientist Make Science: I hope...
E.B. Duggan (530) 629-3554 (Updated 2023-12-24)
Van Duzen River: Could be a short window where it’s fishable: Peaked at...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2023-12-21)


California Dawn Sportfishing: 20 limits of crab and Rockfish!!!: We found...
James Smith (Updated 2023-12-24)
Both boats out on the crab combo grounds today: We had both boats out on the crab...
James Smith (Updated 2023-12-23)
Both boats out on the crab grounds today: We had both boats out on the crab...
James Smith (Updated 2023-12-22)
Both boats out today fishing combos: We had both boats out today fishing combos. Final...
James Smith (Updated 2023-12-21)
Crab only trip today: Weather was a bit bumpy off shore so...
James Smith (Updated 2023-12-20)
Fish Emeryville: Scores for 12/24/23: C Gull...
Fish Emeryville (Updated 2023-12-24)
Fish Score for 12/23/2023: Sea Wolf • Crab Combo • 24 •...
Fish Emeryville (Updated 2023-12-23)
Scores for 12/22/23: Lady K • Dungeness Crab • 16 anglers •...
Fish Emeryville (Updated 2023-12-22)
Thursday Update: Sunday Dec 17 Fish Counts: New Huck Finn • Crab...
Fish Emeryville (Updated 2023-12-18)
Help U Fish: We had a great trip again today: We had...
Anthony Langes (Updated 2023-12-23)
Big bass trips!: Come get them while they're still biting.. Striped bass...
Anthony Langes (Updated 2023-12-22)
Lovely Martha Sportfishing: Great way to end our 2023 season. LIMITS!!!!: 12/24/23. Hohoho...
Mike Rescino (Updated 2023-12-24)
Phenomenal crab combo!!!: 12/23/23. Today was another phenomenal day on the...
Mike Rescino (Updated 2023-12-23)
30 easy limits of crab!!!: 12/22/23. Today we had a crab only sponsored...
Mike Rescino (Updated 2023-12-22)
LIMITS OF CRAB BY 9:40am!!!: 12/21/23. Today we had a private crab only...
Mike Rescino (Updated 2023-12-21)
New Captain Pete: Sold out trip with Limits of Dungeness crab: Our last...
Melynda Dodds (Updated 2023-12-22)


Klamath River - Upper - CA: Merry Klamath Fishmas eve, 75 days catching an counting on: 75 day...
Scott Caldwell (530) 905-0758 (Updated 2023-12-23)
McCloud River: Clarity on the lower end towards the lake is good: 75 day...
The Fly Shop (530) 222-3555 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Sacramento River - Upper: The storm bumped the flows on the lower end of the river quite a bit and added a lot of color: 75 day...
The Fly Shop (530) 222-3555 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Shasta Lake: Shasta's Big Winter Fish!: Its officially...
Jeff Goodwin (707) 616-1905 (Updated 2023-12-18)
Trinity River: The clarity was good until yesterday morning, the river blew just above Lewiston: Its officially...
The Fly Shop (530) 222-3555 (Updated 2023-12-21)

Sierra Foothills

Lake Camanche: Couple Nice Trout From Lake Camanche: Brandon &...
Lake Camanche Staff (209) 763-5121 (Updated 2023-12-21)
Check out this Lightning trout caught recently at the pond! : Check out this Lightning trout caught recently at...
Lake Camanche Staff (209) 763-5121 (Updated 2023-12-20)

Wine Country North

Clear Lake: Clear Lake Report 12-19-2023: Our current...
Ross England (707) 349-1427 (Updated 2023-12-19)
Russian River: The Russian rolled over this morning at nearly 8000 cfs!: The Russian...
King's Sport and Tackle (707) 869-2156 (Updated 2023-12-21)