Rock Creek Lake Fish Report 07-26-07

Rock Creek Lake - Toms Place, CA (Inyo County)

by The Fly Shop

Water Conditions: Fishing great, but already booked solid until mid-July. This is our most popular private stillwater fishery, and it can fill up fast so book early to guarantee your chances at catching one of Rock Creek Lake's trophy-sized rainbow and brown trout!

Fishing Conditions & Hatches: Most of the fish, rainbows and browns, are of trophy proportions and have been slamming streamers and leech patterns with a vengeance. Warm weather should also bring an increase in Callibaetis activity through the spring.

?Ģ Overly's Spotlight Callibaetis #16
?Ģ Parachute Ants #16
?Ģ Foam Beetles #12-16
?Ģ Midge Pupa #16-20
?Ģ Crystal Buggers?Į?Ģ Lawson's Thorax Dun - BWO
?Ģ Griffith's Gnat
?Ģ Harrops Last Chance Cripple, both Callibaetis and Baetis
?Ģ Hatchmaster Midge
?Ģ Randy's Belly Boat - Orange
?Ģ Yellow Zonker
?Ģ CH Firetiger Bugger
?Ģ Filet O' Flesh String Leech - Pink.

The Fly Shop's Tips: ??Floating line as well as a full compliment of sinking lines is useful here, as the fish will suspend at varying levels depending on water temperatures and available food sources. There are some really huge trout here-recent sightings by clients and staff have confirmed the existence of rainbows over 12 pounds!

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