Salmon fishing takes top honors this week, though halibut catches are on the upswing, at Santa Cruz

Salmon fishing takes top honors this week, though halibut catches are on the upswing, at Santa Cruz

by Allen Bushnell

Salmon fishing takes top honors this week, though halibut catches are on the upswing, and we have a good shot at albacore as well. Rockfishing as usual, remains excellent in most local areas.

Every year, the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project releases up to 250,000 king salmon fingerlings into the Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor waters. MBSTP holds the juvenile fish in huge net pens for a few days as the fish acclimate to saltwater. The survival rate of these fingerlings is astronomically high when compared to those salmon that take the "long way" down the Feather River to the Sacramento River, through the Delta, San Francisco Bay and then to open ocean. Low water, hydro-pumps, and an array of predators ensure a high mortality for these young fish. These salmon released in Santa Cruz complete their life-cycle in the greater Monterey Bay, and provide commercial and sport anglers additional fish to catch. Every MBSTP fish caught can mean one wild fish that may return to spawn naturally, enhancing the wild population.

At the end of their life-cycle, those MBSTP fish naturally try to reach spawning grounds, and that's why we see them in the Harbor right now. Harbor authorities have been quite generous in allowing some limited area for salmon fishing, but not everyone is willing to follow the rules when "salmon fever" strikes. Shore anglers can fish from the concrete structure at the north end of the Upper Harbor, or from the jetties alongside the entrance channel only. Even number days are for kids 15 and under only, in the North Harbor location. Slip renters are allowed to fish from their boats secured to their dock, but fishing from the docks themselves is a no-no.

And, it is a gigantic thrill to catch a big 20-30 pound salmon anywhere, especially in shallow water like the Upper Harbor. Providing specific days for under-15's is a master stroke, and is sure to create a good number of life-long anglers from the experience. Most fish hooked are not netted, which only whets anglers' appetites even more. The crowds near J Dock are being referred to as "combat fishing." One local angler, Jim G. remarked "I swore I wasn't going to do it. I hate that kind of 'fishing,' but I had an hour or so before my eight am commitment, so I joined the line and got a bite. 28-pounds dressed. Not for the timid down there. There were six hookups between six and 7am, with mine being the only one landed. Almost everyone is using a pink steelhead worm with a little weight or slinky."

Anglers flooding the harbor in hopes of an easy salmon catch are stretching the patience of boat owners, live-aboard boaters, and harbor staff. Problems of ground erosion and equipment damage, vandalism, public intoxication, late-night noise and congestion may threaten our permissions to fish for these salmon now and in coming seasons.

While the Harbor Patrol has so far been somewhat lenient with those who are not cooperating as responsible anglers, that may change soon. As responsible anglers ourselves, it is not inappropriate for us to inform these anglers of the harbor regulations, and remind them the fishery is in danger of being put off limits for all of us if we all do not comply.

Pictured Above: Corey Reed from Santa Cruz with a 47-pound hog salmon, caught near the Soquel Hole.

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