Santa Cruz Fish Report 4/1/2011

Santa Cruz Fish Report 4/1/2011

by Allen Bushnell

The Santa Cruz Harbor is quiet on Wednesday evening; its calm waters, sparsely filled parking lots and the placid pace of a few dog walkers and strollers belie an undercurrent of excitement and intensity that has been building for weeks. Tomorrow, after literally years of waiting, we will begin a full season of recreational king salmon fishing. And, the prospects look good.

"The Great Depression of fishing is finally coming to an end," says Mike Baxter, former skipper of the charter boat Wild Wave out of Santa Cruz Harbor. "Low salmon returns in the Sacramento system meant season cancellations. Combined with the crisis in the lending market, the cost of fuel and poor ocean currents with little upwelling, things have been grim." Add to those factors the closure of prime fishing locations such as Ano Nuevo to our north and the Pinnacles to the south as a result of the misguided Marine Life Protection Act, and the California Department of Fish and Game's drastic reduction of trout planting in the state, and things were looking grim indeed.

Many charter boats, bait shops and fishing related businesses have been taking losses for years, if not closing their doors entirely. The DFG's own records reflect the loss of 2.760 jobs across the state and an economic loss of over $279 million since the salmon closure in 2008. Salmon abundance averaged approximately 475,000 fish per year from 1997-2006. In 2008, that number had dropped to 66,000 returning spawners in the fall run. This year's prediction from the Pacific Fisheries Management Council suggests an ocean abundance of nearly 730,000 king salmon. This is a very healthy number and could mean not only a full season, but also some big scores in the near future. "Some of the locals are pulling tarps off the boat in the driveway for the first time in three years." Says Baxter. "I believe the dark days are over."

Local fishing related businesses are already feeling the positive affects of an open salmon season. "Local sportsmen are already posturing and predicting at the bait shops," quipped Baxter. Joe Donatini at Johnson Hicks Marine Electronics and Jim Moore from Moore and Sons Outboards reported a surge of new business, as boaters ready their equipment to chase king salmon next week. Stagnaro's Sportfishing, Captain Jimmy Charters, Reel Sportfishnig, and the charter outfits running from Moss Landing and Monterey are likely to be sold out for opening day, though Sunday April 3 has openings, and of course, the weekdays still offer a good number of open spots.

Another incredible factor in this year's salmon season story is the geophysical challenge recent events have posed. The destructive tsunami of March 11 left the harbor in a shambles, with sunken boats, multiple destroyed docks and wreckage floating everywhere. Torrential rainstorms that overflowed streams, caused landslides and destroyed a number of mobile homes and businesses in Capitola followed the waves closely. In the short time since the earthquake generated surges that slammed into our "safe haven," the Harbor officials and staff have worked a miracle, clearing the sunken wrecks and restoring all but three or four docks to a usable condition. And, the launch ramp is open. Expect to see a long line of trucks and trailers stretching up Lake Avenue starting tonight, as most anglers hope to get an early start.

The fresh-water influx probably will have an effect on fishing tomorrow. Inshore waters are very brown, indicating a freshwater layer floating above the deeper salt. This has a tendency to push the salon out further from shore. Working the edges of the Soquel Hole in 300-400 feet of water should be productive, though you may have to fish deep rather than shallow. Remember to watch out for silver salmon, look for the white gum line and release any fish you are not sure of. Regulations remain the same in terms of bag limits and tackle. If drifting or mooching, a maximum number of two hooks and one rod can be use. Hooks need to be barbless circle hooks to help ensure safe releases of undersized fish. Salmon measuring over 20 inches may be retained, but only two per angler per day. Recreational-caught fish also have to have one lobe of the tailfin cut while the boat is on the water; to distinguish them from commercially caught fish.

As is typical for the beginning of the season, boats trolling will are likely to do better, as they are covering more territory, and can fish deeper and with more action. However, if you find big concentrations of anchovies or sardines, it is absolutely worth it to try and mooch (drift fish) the outside edges of these bait balls. Ken Stagnaro has been frequenting the east and west edges of the Soquel Hole all winter, while on his sand dab trips. He has reported "tons of bait, lots of sardines and way more anchovies than we've seen I the past few years." Stagnaro has also caught and released nearly 20 king salmon this winter, prior to season opener. In fact he caught two just this weekend on his final sand dab trip of the season. Other classic productive areas are the canyon in front of Moss landing, "Soldier's Club" just south of Moss and 250-300 feet of water of our own north coast from Natural Bridges up to Davenport.

Good luck to all who brave the lines at the launch ramp this weekend. Please check all your safety gear and make sure you battery and fuel filters are in good shape. Lifejackets are a must on every boat, and double-checking your VHF radio is not a bad idea also.

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