Sentinel Fish Report

Sentinel Fish Report

by Allen Bushnell
(408) 497-4170

CAPTION: Brett Reeder found good action on the barred surf perch near seacliff last week. It is gearing up to bust loose soon!
Successive storms have hade it difficult to get out and fish, but it's slowly getting better in our area. The current forecast looks like we'll have clear days ahead though the swell will be increasing in size over the weekend. The Santa Cruz Small Harbor entrance is still shoaled. It is passable on higher tides with smaller boats, but the Harbormaster's office advises mariners to check in at 831-475-6161 for current conditions before attempting passage through the harbormouth.

Ed Burrell at Capitola Boat and Bait is keeping busy over the winter, reconditioning the rental boat fleet. This week he went back to Monterey in hopes of catching another big white sea bass. "There are still a few hanging around down there, along with the small squid. Three bass were caught early Monday morning, but we didn't get any." Burrell says the bite has moved further east, towards the big hotel off DelMonte Beach. Successful anglers are working that area in 120-150 feet of water. Burrell also reminds us of the possibility of catching halibut in that area and elsewhere, despite it being wintertime. "Someone brought a 30-pounder in on Sunday in Monterey, and we heard of a 17-pound halibut caught out towards the Mile Reef here in Capitola last week. As the storms subside, bait signs are improving in our area, including schools of herring spotted by one of our commercial fishermen last week.

Anglers from the wharf found a decent perch bite last week. Using surf leaders tipped with shrimp bits, a number of barred and calico perch were caught from the Capitola Wharf, just behind the surfline. Further down the Wharf, anglers caught mostly black perch, using the same setup.

Surfcaster Bill Pennington reported in from the beaches south of Seacliff midweek. "We had to hike a while before getting a bite," Pennington said. Most of the fish were smaller males and Pennington recounts the bite turned on about three hours into the incoming tide. "Tons of structure around though, looks like it is gearing up to bust loose soon." Motor oil red flake grubs were the ticket for Pennington and companion Brett Reeder.

Steelhead fishing is still rather slow on the San Lorenzo and other local streams. The water is high but visibility was clear of Wednesday, the latest legal fishing day. We received reports of only a few fish caught in the usual spots along the San Lorenzo. This weekend should have decent water conditions for steelheading.

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