It was ‘fish, family, friends and fun’ at Sand Crab Classic

Santa Cruz - Santa Cruz, CA

It was ‘fish, family, friends and fun’ at Sand Crab Classic
Winners in the 2025 Sand Crab Classic Perch Derby in Santa Cruz included Dave Modena 2d, Mark Idemoto 1st and David Rodarter 3d in the Men's Senior Barred Surf Perch Division.

by Allen Bushnell

It’s hard to believe, but the Sand Crab Classic Perch Derby celebrated its 20th year this weekend. Yes, it’s all in support of and a benefit for the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project, but really it boils down to having a blast! We say “It’s about fish, family, friends and fun!” Entrants had to move quickly when registration opened in January. The derby is constrained to the first 300 entries due to facility limits. This year sold out online in under two hours. Participants can fish wherever they want as long as they make it to the one p.m. weigh-in.  Most anglers fill the beaches between Monterey and Santa Cruz, but some fish the wild north coast from San Mateo south, while others target sea perch from the rocky escarpments, jetties and piers of Monterey, Pacific Grove and Carmel. The event gathering is held at Portuguese Hall in Santa Cruz, itself a historical monument to the area’s original Portuguese fishermen and farmers.

This year’s Grand Master Trophy, awarded to the biggest fish, seaperch or surfperch, went to Naikwen Saephan who weighed in a 15 and 3/4-inch pile perch, undoubtably caught near Carmel. His big slab weighed two pounds and seven ounces. This was Naikwen’s first time entering the derby and he made quite a splash! Surf perch caught in the waves near the beach are really what the derby was originally established for the competition, and that means barred surf perch. OG Mark Idemoto took the big trophy this year with his 14 and 3/4-inch BSP caught on the sand crab from his favorite little beach in Santa Cruz. Another perennial winner took second place for men’s BSP. Dave Modena from Half Moon Bay hit Seacliff Beach in Aptos to land a 13 and 3/4-inch fish and claim another trophy this year.

Women’s BSP honors were taken by Ayala Padua for her 13 and 1/4-inch fish caught in Half Moon Bay. First place for the women’s seaperch trophy was won by Samara Cortazzo, another multi year champion. Plenty of under-16 juniors participated this year, as usual. BSP first place trophy went to Andrew Rodriguez with a 12-inch fish, and the seaperch first place trophy was captured by Tristan Oldread with a rare retail perch that measured in right at 13 inches.  In the open flared division, longtime participant and no stranger to the leaderboard Ken Oda took home the first place trophy for his 12 and 1/2-inch barred surf perch.

Thousand of dollars worth of fishing rods, tackle and related items were donated  for the raffle and silent auction, as usual. Special thanks go to vital collaborators such as Johnson-Hicks Electronics, West Marine, Battlestar Tackle, Honey Badger Baits, Mekeni Baitz and Western Outdoor News for their hearty and continuing support.

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