Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report
14.5 lb Mackinaw from Caples Lake

by Allen Bushnell

Hello fellow anglers. Yes, I have been missing for a few weeks. Renee and I just returned from a trip up to Oregon. Now boy did we have perfect timing, as we arrived the salmon bite shut down on the Rogue River. We ventured 6 to 8 miles out into the ocean out of Gold Beach Oregon for ling and black cod, and were very successful with the average ling in the 15 to 25 lb class. A little note of interest, As we all know, salmon fillets have a dark red rich color. We were catching mostly green lingcod. Which when filleted, have a lime green color, and are as delicious as halibut in my book. We tried to get out for halibut. But , mother nature decided to bring in some 15 to 25 knot winds. So we headed home, just in time for the 4th of July big weekend celebration. It took a little getting used to the weather change. Grants Pass and the coast temps averaged in the 50's to 70's, we come back to the mid to high 90's. That my fellow anglers is a typical Nevada summer day though. As we get to the holiday weekend a reminder that campfires and charcoal BBQ's are prohibited in most areas of our forested areas, except in a designated campground. When you extinguish a campfire, use water and not dirt. Dirt will not extinguish the coals fully, and can reignite 24 to 72 hours later. Let us all be fire wise this season. Before your fishing report, a reminder that July 6th is one of the California free fishing days this year. You must abide by all rules and regulations for the body of water to fish. But a license is not required.

CAPLES LAKE: The water level is still up and the fishing has been good for shore and boaters. The CDFW planted the lake recently with catchable rainbow trout. Ania Nawara from Caples Lake caught a nice rainbow from the shore using a white Rooster Tail spinner. Another angler caught a nice 14.5 lb mackinaw while trolling. The EID day use area and launch is open at 6AM each morning. The Caple Lake Resort is open for boat launching as well, I would advise calling for available times. They also have fishing boat and kayak rentals available. For more information, stop by the Caples Lake Resort.

WOODS LAKE: The lake is now open and was recently planted with catchable rainbow trout from CDFW. They have primitive camping available and a day use area. With plenty of hiking trails up to Winnemucca , Round top and Frog lake. The CDFW recently planted Frog Lake and Woods Lake.

RED LAKE: The lake level is up and the fishing has been slow. There is no camping allowed by the dam area.But if you don't mind a million mosquitoes and very primitive camping, you can camp on the west side of the lake. .

BLUE LAKES: The road is open only to the lower lake as of this week. The lake level is up and the fishing has been fair for shore anglers using salmon eggs or inflated crawlers. Some anglers have launched their small boats by the dam and have done fair with trolling blades and a night crawler, or a gold Kastmaster. The evening bite has been good for fly anglers. My favorite flies have been a yellow humpy or a black gnat.

BURNSIDE LAKE:  The road is open and has primitive camping available. I have not been up to the lake yet and have not received any reports. No campfires allowed.

INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The campground is closed for the season still due to the Tamarack fire. The fishing has been fair to good. But the lake also has been rated at a cautio level for blue green algae. Advisory Recommendations:  Stay away from algae and scum in the water. Do NOT let pets go in the water, drink the water, or eat scum on the shore. Keep Children away from algae.

WEST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY:  The river is running low at 315 to 350 CFM. The CDFW recently planted the river with catchable rainbow trout. The Alpine F&G will be planting the river next week with larger rainbows. Fishing has been good for anglers using half a crawler or a salmon egg and a split shot. Special note. The tributary that comes into the west fork by Picketts Jct called Willow Creek, is open to catch and release only with artificial lures or flys only.

EAST FORK CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY: The river is running great at 315 to 370 CFM. The CDFW planted the river this week with catchable trout, and the Alpine County F&G has planted the river the last two weeks and is scheduled to plant next week with larger rainbow trout. Fishing has been off the hook you might say. The Carson River Resort will start its 5th annual fishing derby on July 4th and run until 6pm on the 6th. The largest fish weighed in will win a free night stay at the resort. Second and third place prizes will also be awarded at that time. Any fish weighed in can be kept or donated to the Tahoe Wildlife Care to feed their resident Bald Eagle. Each night between 5 and 8 PM will be live entertainment by local bands. On the 5th and 6th will be an all American  BBQ  starting at 1 PM and going all day for a cost of $12 per person. What more could you ask for? A river full of fish, a bbq and live entertainment, plus a chance to win a free night in one of their cabins. For more information,or to get your picture taken with your catch, stop by the Carson River Resort.

MARKLEEVILLE CREEK:  The river is running perfectly and clear. Fishing has been very good. Deanna Ness from Minden NV caught a couple 3 lb rainbows last week using salmon peach powerbait. The Alpine County F&G is scheduled to plant next week with 2 to 5 lb rainbow trout.

SILVER CREEK: The water is low but very fishable. I would take a short walk down steam to a few deeper holes. Salmon eggs or power eggs have been productive. The Alpine County F&G is scheduled to plant the river next week.


SUNSET LAKES: The road is open.

HIGHLAND LAKES: The road is open to both lakes. The lake is located off of highway 88 just over Ebbetts Pass. They have primitive camping available. The road in from 88 is about a 7 mile dirt road, but is accessible to all vehicles. The first lake has good brook trout and the second lake has small brookies. Salmon eggs or flys is my only recommendation. And don't forget your camera. The views are spectacular from ground level. If you decide to take a day hike. The entrance to the Mokelumne wilderness starts right there.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. "PLEASE" leave the fireworks at home! We do not need a wildfire, and you do not need a $5000 fine for having them. If you get a picture of your catch. Send it to I hope to see you on the waters soon. Good fishin' and tight lines.

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