Expert offers tips for successful surf fishing

 Expert offers tips for successful surf fishing
Charlie Lambert and Johnny Poff get their grin on while casting for perch at his local beach in Santa Cruz. Lambert was practicing for the upcoming sand Crab Classic Perch Derby.Fish were small, but they got bites on nearly every cast, using GULP! 2-inch sandworms or live sandcrabs.

by Allen Bushnell

Surf perch season is well upon us now. Once conditions clear up from these latest and much appreciated rainstorms, we’ll be looking at brand new winter-style beach topography. These are the beach conditions that best provide distinct feeding opportunities and areas for hungry perch and striped bass.


Surf fishermen Johnny Poff and Charlie Lambert hit a very local beach in Santa Cruz last week to find fish biting on nearly every cast. Another expert surfcaster, Alex Velasco from Marina has tutored dozens of anglers on the intricacies of surfcasting over the years. In his youth, Velasco used the classic 12-foot heavy surf rod with a pyramid weight below a couple dropper loop bait hooks. As he gathered knowledge, he transitioned to a lighter, more nuanced approach to fishing the surf. One that covers more territory as well as providing more excitement. 


Velasco says, “My gear is now a 10'6" to 11'6" ultra-light noodle rod with a Shimano 4000 spinning reel spooled with eight-pound Maxima Ultragreen line. I’ll use a sliding egg sinker, an orange bead to protect the knot, a large barrel swivel, an eight pound leader and a #8 bronze Gamakatsu bait-holder hook. The leader is almost the length of my pole during incoming tide and shorter during low tide. Depending on the area and time of the year, bait options are sand-crabs, mussels, blood-worms, grass shrimp and clams.”


It’s very important to “read” the water, according to Velasco. “I always walk along the beach till I find a sandbar where the surge is breaking and the backwash is dropping into the edge of the sandbar. This is where the perch are usually feeding on all the crustaceans being washed out. Rip currents can be productive as well. Cast out close to the edge of the sand bar, keep a tight line and let the surge take your bait into the hole. If there's fish feeding there you will hook into them.”


Need a last-minute Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for the angler in your family? A visit to one of our local tackle shops might be in order. Fishing equipment can be very specialized as to location and species pursued, as well as personal preference on the angler’s part. We’d not recommend any specific tackle or rods or reels, which can get pricey. But, there’s plenty of smaller, less expensive  items that every angler always has a use for. This includes a good pair of fishing pliers, sharp scissors for cutting braided lines and bait knives. Todd Fraser at Bayside Marine also suggests rain boots, t-shirts or hoodies, hats, polarized shades, gift certificates and new 2024 fishing licenses as thoughtful and useful items for your angler.

Charlie Lambert, perfect hookset!

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