Saltwater Fish Report for 2-24-2021
Salmon Informational Meeting
by GSSA Staff
2021 CDFW Annual Salmon Information
Meeting February 25, 2021
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
The 2021 California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Salmon Information Meeting marks the beginning of a two-month long public process used to develop annual sport and commercial ocean salmon fishing regulations. The process involves collaborative negotiations with west coast states, federal agencies, tribal co managers, and stakeholders interested in salmon fishery management and conservation. Public input will help California representatives develop a range of recommended season alternatives during the March 2-5 and 8-11, 2021 meeting of the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC).
Meeting Objectives
• Provide a review of 2020 ocean and river fisheries.
• Provide a review of 2020 inland escapement (Central Valley and Klamath Basin).
• Provide an overview of 2021 ocean abundance forecasts and how they translate into available fishing opportunity.
• Collect public input on 2021 ocean salmon fisheries.
How to Join the Meeting
• Via web browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
o Go to
o Click on “Join Webinar via Browser” under Salmon Information Meeting
o A new window will open,
➢ Select “Launch Meeting” if attending via application
➢ Select “Join from your browser” to join from web browser
• Via Zoom application
o Click “Join a Meeting”
o Enter Meeting ID and then your name, as “first and last name, affiliation” (if
you represent an organization), e.g., “John Doe, CDFW”
➢ Meeting ID: 860 0436 9994
o Enter meeting passcode
➢ Meeting Passcode: 517543
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