Big salmon showing in the Sacramento River!

Sacramento River - CA

Big salmon showing in the Sacramento River!
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110

by Dave Jacobs

Big salmon are moving upriver into the Sacramento River this week!  These salmon have been very active putting up incredible fights as you can see from this recent video shot with Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service on Saturday August 8, 2020.

video courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110

Big salmon showing in the Sacramento River!

This week marks the end of the third week since the opening of the Sacramento River to salmon fishing on July 16, 2020.  There are more salmon showing in the upper Sacramento River above Colusa California than any other week so far.  

The salmon run on the Sacramento River traditionally continues to build through August with peak salmon fishing usually near the end of August, all of September and the first part of October.  This season looks to be right on time with a large increase of big, hard fighting king salmon making their pressence known this past week.  

We are seeing rolling king salmon everywhere that we fish this past week throughout the day.  The bite has been off and on this week but if you try a few different techniques and find some quiet water great things happen.  With the help from guides  Steve Lowery, Ryan Tripp and Dave Jacobs we have agian been able to send more families home with fresh king salmon recently.

THIS WEEK WE HAVE SEEN A HALF DOZEN or so techniques on the Sacramento River from power drifting, downriver trolling, jigging, dragging, drifting, back bouncing plugs, back bouncing roe, hanging roe and bobbeer dogging and flat linning just to name a few.  I would have to say from what we have been seeing out there that the top three techniques to catch Sacramento River salmon have been back bouncing sardine wrapped "old style" kwikfish lures, back bouncing home cured salmon roe and drifting roe/puffball combos on light spin gear.  All three of these techniques are working everyday on the Sacramento River hear in August and I am pretty confident that when the main vien of the Sacramento River salmon run arrives later this month there should be daily success!

If going out on a Sacramento River salmon fishing charter is something that interests you, come catch you own king salmon with us! Call Sacramento River salmon fishing guide Dave Jacobs at (530) 646-9110 to book a primetime salmon fishing trip.  We have been perfecting Sacramento River salmon fishing since 1985!

Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110
Photo Credit: all photos courtesy of Dave Jacobs Professional Guide Service (530) 646-9110

Contact Dave Jacobs Guide Service at 530-646-9110 or check us out online at

Professional fishing Guide Dave Jacobs is licensed to operate in both California and Oregon. Dave Jacobs is a licensed guide with The California Department of Fish and Wildlife as well as a current licensed Oregon guide registered with The Oregon State Marine Board.

Professional Fishing Guide Dave Jacobs is also licensed to operate in the Rogue/Siskiyou National Forest on the upper Chetco River in Oregon, licensed to operate in the Six Rivers National Forest on The Smith River, Klamath River, Trinity River and South Fork Trinity River. We are an Equal opportunity provider. Guide Dave Jacobs is also licensed with the Bureau of Land Management to operate on the upper Trinity River from Lewiston California downriver to Grays Falls on the Trinity River.

Guide Dave Jacobs also holds a Merchant Mariner Credential with The U.S. Coast Guard and is certified in both CPR and First Aid.

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