Fish Report for 3-26-2019
California Delta Fishing Report End March
by California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau
The Delta waterways continue to run high and muddy along with heavy debris and logs in the system which makes boating hazardous. Due to the present conditions the sturgeon fishing should remain on the top of the list. As soon as waters begin to clear the striped bass fishing should bust wide open. Until that takes place stick to the aforementioned. Some of the best sturgeon fishing is taking place off the Mothball Fleet off the Glomar Explorer with eel/pile worm combinations. Another hot spot has been Buoy 31 outside Pittsburg, Chain Island, Montezuma Slough and Broad Slough where ghost shrimp and pile worms have been the big producer. The largemouth bass fishing is taking center stage on the San Joaquin River. It has been observed in any areas of the south Delta and they are chasing the bass into the tules. Most of the largemouth bass fishing action is on swimsuits on slack water during the tide changes. Several caught recently up to 10 pounds. In Whiskey Slough the bluegill and crappie fishing has been outstanding. The best bait is red worms. Fresh threadfin shad should be coming into the local bait shops within the first few weeks of April.
Trout plants continue at Lake Camache. Last week 500 pounds of Lightning trout along with 400 pounds of rainbow trout were placed into the South Pond along with 900 pounds released at the North Shore boat launch. After the Lightning were placed into the South Pond a group of anglers wearing similar T-Shirts began to snag those that were visible resulting in at least 20 phone calls to either park personnel or Cal-Tip. A video of the snagging was posted on social media,
leading to outrage from anglers throughout northern California . If you witness any type of illegal activity when it comes to our fish and wildlife you are urged to call the Cal-Tip Hotline at (888) 332-2258. Lake Camanche has dropped from 77 to 74 percent of capacity.
Trout plants continue to be made on weekly basis at both Pardee and Amador reservoirs. Since the opener at Pardee, the Rocky River Recreation Company has planted a total of 15,000 pounds of Calaveras Trout Farm rainbows since mid-February. Shoreline anglers fishing the Woodpile has been the hot spot for rainbows to 4 pounds. Bright colors of garlic-scented trout dough are working best in the slightly stained water. Trollers are starting to get into the action where trout to over 7 pounds have been caught recently. Just a reminder, if you fish Pardee for a two or three day period you have to purchase a fishing permit each day, and you may only keep one day possession of fish even though you fish consecutive days. At nearby Lake Amador the resort continues to plant cut-bows off the Blue Docks. The water is spilling and it's slightly stained. The best bait is garlic scented dough bait, Rat-L-Traps, Rapalas, and crank baits are working for trollers with Jackson Creek being an excellent option. Crappie to 2 pounds in the mix as well.
Halibut beginning to move into the bay with a few keepers showing for trollers and on the drift. The best is yet to come. Take time to go out and enjoy the great outdoors. Until next tide stay safe to fish another day.
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California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
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Sacramento Delta: Sturgeon Fishing Best Bet With Poor Clarity
American River: Quality Steelhead in Upper Portion of River
Lake Camanche: Trout Trolling Hit or Miss
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Pardee Reservoir: Shorelines Crowded with Trout Fishermen
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Pardee Reservoir: Best Fishing is Taking Place in the Main Marina Cove.
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Lake Camanche: Several Anglers Found Success in the Narrows
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California Delta Chambers & Visitors Bureau Reports
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Lake Amador: Lake Amador Fishing Report
: Mud Shrimp is the Preferred Bait of Choice
San Luis Reservoir: The Striped Bass Fishing Continues to be Very Good
Lake Camanche: Lake Camanche Fishing Report

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