Shasta Lake Fish Report for 3-25-2019
Big Shasta trout in a big rain!
Shasta Lake - Shasta Lake, CA (Shasta County)
by Jeff Goodwin
Today started out with a surreal sunrise, but was quickly overshadowed by a non stop down pour. It rained hard from start to finish and I'm pretty sure it will be a while before I get past my feelings about the day. Its hard to have too much fun fishing when its cold and wet, and to top it off, the bite is really tough. I really enjoyed the company of my clients today, and although we got another personal best brown trout in the net, we experienced a total shut down on todays bite later in the morning. Normally its not a problem to experience a lul in the action, but it didnt turn back on today. Not even for a few minutes! We trolled around in the rain for 5 hours without another bite and that can be tough for the clients and the guide. Especially in lousy weather. We have a lot of great days on Shasta, but sometimes its slow. Its important to remember this when booking a fishing trip. Showing up with a great attitude and an upbeat mindset is important, but maintaining those positive vibes throughout the day is even more important. Its easy to get caught up in the fishing reports and all the great pics from the previous trips, but remeber, those are someone elses experiences. Everyone has to make their own day on the water and enjoy it for what it is. I think this post is probably more for me than my audience, but I think its important for us all to visit this subject once in a while. Thats is all, tomorrow is another day!

Jeff Goodwin is a full time Northern California fishing guide. He guides year round for salmon, trout, steelhead, Kokanee, and bass on Northern California rivers and lakes. He fishes many bodies of water in the Redding area, but also guides the Sacramento River and Feather River during certain times of the year. Jeff can also be found on the California coast chasing ocean fresh King salmon and steelhead each year. To learn more about the fishing trips Jeff has to offer, please visit Jeff Goodwin's Guide Service. You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or please feel free to call him anytime at (707) 616-1905.
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