Sacramento River - Lower Fish Report for 3-29-2018
What are the Odds?
Sacramento River - Lower - Redding, CA (Shasta County)

by Gary Heffley
This is one of those “It's a small world” and “you just never know” kind of a fishing story. One that proves that some kindness on the water is often remembered and can influence how others pay it forward.
I have become friends in recent years with Redding area guide Lou Hubert. A most friendly, patient, helpful, not to mention skilled, individual. One whom, as I have mentioned in past articles, when you go out with him as your guide you return with a friend. But, oddly, it turns out our Redding encounters may not have been our first meeting.
Lou had been doing some Facebook reminiscing in recent weeks about the boats he had owned in the past and some of his years chasing bass in tournaments and for fun in the Paso Robles area where he had lived. Knowing how much of a gentleman and how friendly he is on the water with other anglers I had to ask him a very off the wall and out of the blue question.
Back in the early 80's, which coincided with Lou's timeline for the area, I had visited Lake San Antonio for a weekend houseboat trip with my wife and parents. Of course fishing was included as I had found that water dogs were available and still legal to use at that lake a couple of months prior. Well that weekend just wasn't producing many bites fishing from the houseboat, so I tried fishing from the bank, unfortunately with the same luck.
There I was walking the bank of a timbered cove still not doing any good when I spied a couple of anglers in a white boat working the trees. Being a little nosy and looking for tips I engaged them in conversation where they told me they were doing quite well working plastics and jigs around the trees. I, of course, had to admit my failings, when out of the blue one of the guys asked if I wanted or needed any fish for dinner. Knowing that my parents loved fresh bass I said “sure” whereupon three bass were tossed onto the shore. I gathered up the bass and hurried to the houseboat hollering a grateful thanks as they continued fishing. That type of kindness you just don't forget, knowing that is not something many anglers would do.
Well Lou's pictures and timeline got me thinking...could it have been Lou who tossed me those fish those many years ago? So, I called him and asked if he was the kind of guy who ever did that kind of thing back in the day. I mean, if you think about it, it is an off the wall kind of question. Well Lou's reply was a laughing, “Do I know you?” He said it was something he did quite frequently, asking why?
I relayed my story, verifying that his boat was the type of white open bow “whaler” the friendly angler used. Putting the odds together for one, how many anglers would be so kind and do that kind of thing? Secondly, the type of boat in question. Putting the timeline in place. I would say that yes, I met Lou those many years ago and yes, he is still that kind of gentleman.
No doubt, because of that experience, I have been known to share fish with a nearby fishing family, maybe give an individual, especially a child, a lure that has been producing, or even let a nearby child reel in a hooked fish for me, of course with a parent watching and with permission.
If nothing else it was fun to be able to say thank you for the fish dinner 35 or so years ago.
Lou now specializes in trout and Kokanee fishing most frequently fishing both the Sacramento River and local lakes. Lou can be reached at 805-610-9412.
Gary Heffley has been a valued contributor to MyOutdoorBuddy for over 10 years serving as manager, sales representative and reporter for much of Northern California. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to fish and write about his adventures. He has a long history in the Sporting Goods field and uses that extensive experience to impart his wisdom in his writing.
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