Oregon Fish Report
Chetco River Fish Report for 1-6-2022
Chetco River Fish Report for 1-6-2022
The Chetco dropped into perfect shape
Chetco River - Brookings, OR (Curry County)

Mark Parrish holds a steelhead he caught and released Dec. 30 while fishing the Chetco River with his daughter, actress Janel Parrish, and guide Andy Martin of Wild Rivers Fishing. They landed five steelhead side-drifting roe and Corkies.
Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Wild Rivers Fishing
by Kenny Priest
The Chetco dropped into perfect shape for plunkers last Monday and was in good shape for drift boats by Wednesday reports Andy Martin of Wild Rivers Fishing. He said, “From Thursday through the weekend, guides were averaging three to six steelhead a day, with a good mix of hatchery fish on the lower river. Steelhead were spread out from the South Fork to Social Security Bar. Flows dropped to 2,000 cfs Sunday evening, but blew out big time on Monday and likely will be too high all week.”
Find "Fishing the North Coast" on Facebook and fishingthenorthcoast.com for up-to-date fishing reports and North Coast river information. Questions, comments and photos can be emailed to kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com.
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for Thursday, January 6th, 2022
Mad River: Predicted for additional bump in flows Friday
Eel River: Will need a solid 10 days of dry weather before it’s fishable
Eel River - South Fork: The South Fork peaked at 12,200 cfs Tuesday
Van Duzen River: Could fish late next week depending on snowmelt
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Mad River: The Mad is high and muddy
Eel River: The main Eel remains big and brown
Eel River - South Fork: The South Fork could be fishable on Sunday
Van Duzen River: Could be fishable by Sunday or Monday
Smith River: The Smith dropped into fishable shape Sunday and conditions are now ideal
Chetco River: The Chetco is expected to come into shape this week after being blown out for nearly a week
Elk River: The Elk is in good shape

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